We welcome applications from parents/guardians.
One child accepted means the whole family can enjoy club activities.
To join, please :
Fill in the application form
Send supporting evidence (suggested on this page) to that at least one child in the family has intellectual or creative ability in the top 5% of the population.
Note that some children may not be performing in the top 5% at present in a classroom environment, but this is not a barrier to joining if you have alternative evidence of giftedness.
Consists of:
Explorers Auckland: $5
We welcome any of the following as evidence:
Parent or Teacher recommendation. Include a message from parent or pre-school/ school with specific information about the child's learning, social behavior and development indicating ability in the top 5%.
Reached developmental milestones very early (or very late e.g., speaking in complex sentences at three after not using much in the way of single word utterances)
Complex play patterns
PAT (done in most schools after age of 6), asTTle, or other educational assessment
Reading age (demonstrating comprehension at least 2 years ahead of actual age)
Exceptional creative thinking/work
Any other relevant information demonstrating an area of outstanding aptitude or competence
2. Membership at a recognised special ability or accelerant programme, such as:
Small Poppies, MindPlus and GATE;
Membership at another branch or similar organisation with similar criteria
3. IQ test or other psychological assessment